24 Dezember 2009

20 Dezember 2009

Christmas Market minus 13 degrees Celsius

for more pics plus story like always here:
Click the link in the title pls. thx n0by, erhard, munich

30 November 2009

Mima's Christmas Market 2009

More pics plus sad thoughts in November click the
title-line - like always here, thx, n0by-erhard, munich

15 November 2009


like always here: Click the title for pics + stories


n0by, erhard, munich

13 November 2009

10 Oktober 2009

06 Oktober 2009

Banned Buddhas....

like always here: please click the title

and enjoy the freak show of OshoRajneesh!

01 September 2009

Happy healing Holydays - Croatia September 2009

click the title - like always here - and start the virtual journey from link to link

n0by - erhard, biograd, croatia

27 August 2009

My job ends 31. May 2011

click the title - like always here - to read the story with pictures


n0by, munich, love

28 Juli 2009

Merciless Mountains... or "you have to change your life".

English and German Version of my life story
click the link in the subject line like always here,


n0by, erhard, munich in love

07 Juli 2009

The Search 4 the miraculousness or....

..."A Man needs a Maid!"

click the link in the title for Deutsch/English version of the story.

08 Juni 2009

Bohemian Villages / Böhmische Dörfer

like always here, click the link in the title

and enjoy the virtual ride, n0by, erhard, munich

06 Juni 2009

Bavarian Forest

for your convenience a German and English edition
just like always here: click the link in the title,

thanks n0by, erhard in Westbohemia Hotel Bechyne, Tschechien

31 Mai 2009

19 April 2009

Hungary Holydays

click link in the subject line - like usual here

- enjoy more than 70 pictures in around 3 MByte

of our peaceful Eastern holydays in Hungary

with n0by, erhard + mima in her "Sea Cow"

27 Februar 2009

Rani Willems: "No hope, no plan"

just like usual: Klick on the title above pls.

Strange lady: after her failure with enlightenment experience 2005
she continues her enlightenment entertainment 2009!

No biz like show biz

and all better than "no hope, no plan"...